John Hyde
Deputy Director UN Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption Specialist
Former Member For Perth
Former Lord Mayor City of Vincent
I write in support of the contribution to local architecture by my former constituent Jean-micPerrine.
During my tenure as a Councillor, Mayor and now State Member for Perth, I have been impressed by Mr Perrine’s exciting, professional and sympathetic contribution to our city’s streetscape.
His precise and impressive work on the former Leederville Post Office ensured not only that the community was able to keep and visualise an important cultural link with our past, but also we were given functional buildings that can serve a modern community and retail uses.
Jean-mic Perrine is the recipient of a number of civic awards, including the Town of Cambridge award for Heritage Projects, the Colonnade RetailCentre(CityofSubiaco Civic design award), (MBA CCAConstructionIndustryExcellenceAwards , Joint winner with the North West Shelf Project); Box Building in the PerthCBD; Next Building (cnr Hay and Milligan) PerthCBD.
The Box building in particular has breathed new life into a previously sterile section of the CBD - as I can view it from my Parliament House office I personally approve of its creative impact on my skyline!